May 24, 2011

Current Status

So here's where I'm at...

My contract ends at the end of June. So I literally have... about 5 weeks to go before it ends. I'm interstate four and a half days a week, and dying, er... eager... no... enthusiastic to get back to Sydney on a more permanent basis.

I've been floating my CV around since March due to my unique situation. I've had a few bites here and there, and at this point about... one... two... three misses so far... Everything else is held up due to available roles and finding out positions are being filled some five minutes after I apply (an exaggeration of course, but this can happen somewhat, which I'll explain in a later post).

Currently, I have nine possible opportunities currently being worked on... it's a slow process I've found as I've come to find that around this time of the year clients don't really get the ball rolling until closer into June... Maybe it's when they get sign-off for the budgets for the following financial year so that they can afford to interview for prospective candidates.

One of these roles has already gotten back to me regarding a preliminary meeting with the recruiter, a pre-requisite prior to representation to the client. Recruiter A as I will refer to him, has been very thoughtful and understanding of my situation relating to this particular role, and so I'll be meeting him later this week.

I'll keep you posted with updates as I go along.

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